Information string flowcharts by Herb Zinser reviews LANGUAGE word clues about subset math and science word clues in books, newspapers, magazines, etc.
List of pages and topics ... covered later with the numbered, handwritten pages
1 - Chuck Norris televsion(TV) show ..... mathematical mappings
VIA (source domain) linear algebra transformation T --> Vector Space (destination range)
2 Texas Ranger ..... Walker --> Hannah Graham walking
3 Jane Wilde Hawking, the West Road at Cambridge university ..and the Wild West
4 movie code--> mo + vie --> molecule views
5 book : Frontier Orbitals with James Bond extension ... Ian Fleming
6 carbon President Carter
7 David Hilbert (DH) .... Double-Helix bio-math hotel
8 T.W. Graham Solomon textbook " Organic Chemistry" and Elan Berg and Brian Solomon
9 Dane County Madison Wisconsin problems
10 Lu = Logical Unit ..brain war casualties
11 Warren Buffet
12 Buffalo Wild WINGS ---> GermanWINGS crash
13 Mothe Goose has 2 wings .....
the West Wing of the White House in the EAST Coast ..and
the West Wing of the White House (paint color) in Watertown, Wisconsin with the Goslings of Mother Goose and Michelle Obama cover-up of the project
14 Buffalo Wild Wings language errors .... SPORTS Bar --> Spanish air PORT Barcelona
15 John Dos Passos potassium K-channel book 19 19
16 Roofs and Dylann Roof ..PROOF in SC = Sub-conscious mind battle in SC = South Carolina
17 Bernie Sanders and Nietzsche
18 STOP Codon and DNA guanine expression artist --> Gauguin
19 Base 16 equation--> Fish
20 Boston bombing and the lagging strand with Okazaki fragments
21 DNA replication fork problems of human pregnancy/fetus volume system
22 Lake Erie neuroscience codes in year 1954 with Dr. Sam Shepard
23 George Orwell book 1984 and Oceania
24 Jim Jones and the People's Temple .....secret Dow Jones codes
25 Paula Jones, President Clinton, CIA agent and Paul Ciancia
26 Norbert Wiener cybernetics
27 FCC electromagnetic TV broadcast of arsenic CODE WORDS directly into
the human bio-electron brain stEM
28 B.F. Skinner
29 I/O port of Portugal
30 electron guns create gun shootings
31 Washington State school shooting Nate Hatch
32 Jay Leno EM TV show and his sin wave cousins
33 Tanzania Embassy bombing in Africa and the Hertzian wave war in Herzegovinia
34 M-theory battle reports
35 cotton fabric ... string theory DEMO by Fort Hood Texas
36 Nidal Hasan at 7-11 store of M-theory dimensions
37 Paul Dirac and Iraq war
38 Saddam Hussien codes
39 Edward Witten secrets of Princeton ... and Bonwit Teller
40 cotton string theory data
41 Edward Wit.TEN and Edward Teller ....and Cincinnati Ray TEN.sing
42 Bonwitt teller physics store
43 Blood heme group Fe(2) ions
44 Earth iron core and magnetic field with Jules Verne
45 James Bond and James Clerk Maxwell ....
46 Edward Witten LINK to the Oscar Witt farm West Road Watertown
sin wave region of WisconSIN
47 Army of One
48 William feller Probability = one = 1
49 Jennifer Mascia CIA code
50 Sargant Guzman codes
51 East Harlem codes
52 Fredrick Nietzsche
54 Newt Gingrich gravity and carbon codes
55 Georgia TECH echo violations of Nikola Tesla energy field
56 Franz Kafka
57 the Metamorphosis of Pier Oddone of the Galapagos Islands extended region of Peru
58 New Orleans and Isaac Newton
59 Morphy chess
60 K,L,M, N principle quantum numbers
61 Odd integers bio-math at FermiLAb
62 Bose-Einstein condensate with samuel DuBose of Cincinnati, Ohio
63 s,p orbital codes
64 even integer orbitals
65 Hell's Angels motorcycle generating group / moment generating
66 integration curves ..roads
67 the ANGst of wavelength angstroms
The evolution of the living language with math and physics equations, computer science flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams. etc has resulted in a new version of LANGUAGE ...... known by various terms as
the Universal Mind Language,
Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE language,
Carl Jung collective unconsciousness GROUP MIND expression systems of behavior and feeling that sometimes rises up to a surface level of information display ( crimes, protests, demonstrations, etc) and other language / behavior mechanics.
Books and printed news articles may contain subset messages that are embedded within the larger context of the written text.
read between the lines - Collins Dictionaries › English Dictionary
Example Sentences Including 'read between the lines'.
Nothing was spelled out, yet everything was there for those who could read between the lines. Ashford ...
In this blog post ...... we shall provide information strings using WORDS and subset WORDS and see their relationship to REALITY events.
Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations, flowcharts, etc. The ideas found in BASIC math and science college textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.
Using Galileo's suggestions of " 2 CHIEF WORLD SYSTEMS" we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces....... the 2 CHIEF existential entities
1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, atoms, molecules, gravity fields, EARTH iron core, etc.
2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams, math and physics equations, etc.
Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel
Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
For example ............ Charles Dickens " TALE of 2 Cities" ..... about two worlds on the EARTH surface.
What is the 2nd world?
Thus we have the source domain of SYMBOL LIFE and THOUGHT that may get a
mathematical-physics mapping to the destination range of physical biology with human proper nouns, human activities, etc on the geography surface of EARTH .......
that is...... the EARTH surface as an information display surface using 3-dimensional vertical humans and their behavior and daily activities.
Given the background concepts ...... let's look at some math and science information strings ... very useful empirical data about the structure of REALITY and its descriptive words ......
data for those in science.
Thus ... in this blog post you have some information strings ..... the language fabric and its LINKS to physical reality and events.
Black Holes & Time Warps | W. W. Norton & Company › Science › Astronomy
W. W. Norton & Company
Black holes, down which anything can fall but from which nothing can return; ... Kip Thorne, along with fellow theorists Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose, ... tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the ...
W. W. Norton & Company
Black holes, down which anything can fall but from which nothing can return; ... Kip Thorne, along with fellow theorists Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose, ... tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the ...
tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the ...
tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the ...
tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the ...
Information string ....... BLOG POST ....
Walker, Texas Ranger - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,_Texas_Ranger
Walker, Texas Ranger (TV Series 1993–2001) - IMDb
Action ... Walker, a martial artist, and his partner Trivette are Texas Rangers. ... Walker, Texas Ranger (1993) Chuck Norris and Haley Joel Osment in Walker, ...
Television script words .... source domain information data set of proper nouns and concepts ....... that are implanted into the human brain of the TV audience ...... may become / and sometimes dp become actualized in physical reality on the EARTH geography surface using human action figures and humans information display devices .............. thru the creation of human EVENTS or happenings.

Source words /concepts ----------------> destination
Texas ----------> tex --------------> textbooks implies college / university campus
Chuck Norris --> Norris ----------> Norris Hall shooting at Virginia Tech
Walker ---------> walk on 2-legs --> Hannah Graham University of Virginia
Federal Communications Commission ........
EM wave instructions implants directly into the brain st.EM
The United States of America
Federal Communications Commission
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulates interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and cable --> communicable disease.
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulates interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and cable --> communicable disease.
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulates interstate ....
regulates inter-state STATES of MIND.
regulates inter-state STATES of MIND.
Source words /concepts ----------------> destination
Texas ----------> tex --------------> textbooks implies college / university campus
Chuck Norris --> Norris ----------> Norris Hall shooting at Virginia Tech
Virginia Tech shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Virginia Tech shooting, also known as the Virginia Tech massacre, occurred on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia, United States. Seung-Hui Cho, a senior at Virginia Tech, shot and killed 32 people and wounded 17 others in two separate attacks (another six people were injured escaping from classroom windows), approximately two hours apart, before committing suicide
Norris Hall shootings
About two hours after the initial shootings, Cho entered Norris Hall, which housed the Engineering Science and Mechanics program among others, and chained the three main entrance doors shut. He placed a note on at least one of the chained doors,
He placed a note on at least one of the chained doors,
He placed a note ...... chained doors,
He placed a note ...... chain / TV series of broadcast ..... Chuck Norris doors,
Walker ---------> walk on 2-legs --> Hannah Graham University of Virginia
Murder of Hannah Graham and the EMMET Street EM message - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hannah Elizabeth Graham (February 25, 1996 – c. September 13, 2014) was an 18-year-old second-year British American student at the University of Virginia ...
Cause of death: Homicidal violence of u...
Height: 5 ft 11 in (1.80 m)
Disappeared: September 13, 2014 (aged ...
Status: Remains recovered October 18, ...
Walker (Hannah Graham) ,
Texas Ranger influence (Textbook mapping range)
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,_Texas_Ranger
created by Leslie Greif and Paul Haggis.
created by Les lie Greif .............. Ha.
created by Lesson lies/false .. Grief/pain Hannah.
It was inspired by the film Lone Wolf .... alone ..Hannah Graham
the EMMET Street EM message
the EM MET Street --> EM METABOLISM interface message
of the University of Virginia LINK to the Virginia TECH murder and cover-up of EM life form --> Emily Hilscher at Ambler Hall
Ambler Johnston shootings
Ambler Johnston shootings
Am --> Amplitude modulation shootings
Cho shot his first victims in West Ambler Johnston Hall. At around 7:15 a.m., Cho entered the room which freshman Emily J. Hilscher shared with another student. Hilscher, a 19-year-old from Woodville, Virginia, was fatally wounded.
Emily J. Hilscher shared
Emily J. Hilscher shared
Em --> Electro-Magnetic field agent ...... Emily J. Hilscher shared
Emily Post and her book on the
EM field .... main POST office system = Electro-magnetic field spectrum rules and limits of
c = 186,000 traveling photons and their SYMBOL and CONCEPT LIFE city within word velo.CITY.
Walker, Texas Ranger ,.....
the astrophysics WILD WEST (North America applications ) message to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,_Texas_Ranger
Walker/ Wheelchair and the Textbook Ranger ,.....
the astrophysics WILD WEST (Great Britain theory)
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
the astrophysics WILD WEST --> West Road intellectual cowboys
the astrophysics WILD WEST --> with wild JANE ......
Calamity Jane (alias Jane Wilde Hawking)
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The EARTH LAB ....... Legend of Calamity Jane (of England)
The EARTH LAB ....... Legend of Calamity Jane and evolution of SYMBOL LIFE and thought
the astrophysics WILD WEST Frontier of molecule thoughts and molecule social chemistry
Carbon–carbon bond - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia–carbon_bond
Molecular Structure & Bonding with James Bond message codes
Michigan State University
The bonding configurations of carbon are easy to remember, since there are only ... A molecule which has one or more polar covalent bonds may have a dipole ...
Molecular Structure & Bonding with James Bond message codes
Molecular Structure & Bonding with James ........... Bond message codes
Molecular Structure & Bonding with
James Clerk Maxwell ... EM energy fields of Solar System sunlight ..... millions of years ago ............ arriving on EARTH and the EM energy field ..... initial, primordial interaction with EARTH surface atoms and inactive, inorganic molecules ............. that marriage of Solar energy and earth atoms/molecules creating organic chemistry molecules such as Botany cellulose plants with photosynthesis energy equation.
in other words .............. James Bond equation .......with Feynman 137
The Mysterious 137 - Feynman Online
This number is the value of the fine-structure constant (the actual value is one ... very important domains of physics: electromagnetism in the form of the charge of ... the observed coupling constant, e, the amplitude for a real electron to emit or ...
The *Magic Number* 1/137 and the Birth of Quantum Electrodynamics
... in other words ....
electromagnetism in the form of the charge of ... the observed coupling constant,
...practical words
Solar system sunlight energy ,,,,, electromagnetism in the form of the charge of ...
the observed coupling constant with EARTH geography surface atoms./molecules to create life forms
cellulose plants and trees.
4-legged animals,
2- legged humans with ears, a big mouth, and a cell phone for blabber and dribble data exchange.
the observed coupling constant with EARTH geography surface atoms./molecules to create life forms
cellulose plants and trees.
4-legged animals,
2- legged humans with ears, a big mouth, and a cell phone for blabber and dribble data exchange.
Dr. No (novel) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia Dr. No (James Bond) (9781612185491): Ian Fleming ..., Inc.
Dr. No (novel of messages N O)
Human nose - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Latin: nasus
Vein: facial vein
Nerve: external nasal nerve
Nose - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Anatomically, a nose is a protuberance in vertebrates that houses the nostrils, or nares, which admit and expel air for respiration in conjunction with the mouth.
Nose extensions --> NO --> Nobel science - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
List of Nobel nitrogen / oxygen NOSE(E)
laureates .......................... that can SEE beyond the music and arts song and dance
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
PerU equation --> per + U --> periodic table U = Uranium with
Piermaria Oddone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Piermaria J Oddone is a Peruvian-American particle physicist. Born in Peru in 1944, Oddone earned his bachelor's degree in Physics at the Massachusetts ...
Born in Peru in 1944, Oddone
Born in Peru in 1944, Oddone
Born in Peru in 1944 --> 44 mass ..... molecule region of the LUNG output ....
Carbon Dioxide data carrier molecule NOSE people ..such as the NOSE of the ODD ONE of the Galapagos Islands extended region of evolution ..... .Peru..
Fermilab's World Year of Physics Symposium
Pier Oddone of Berkeley Lab Named Fermilab Director - News
Nov 19, 2004 - “I am delighted to announce the appointment of Pier Oddone to be ... a U.S. citizen, was born in Peru and speaks fluent Spanish and Italian.
Laura Fermi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Laura Fermi
Laura Fermi (atomic social sciences)
La = Load Address instruction Uranium
Laura Fermi (atomic social sciences)
La ura Fer mi
La = Load Address instruction Uranium
Fer = Ferrous oxide IRON atom MIND of 26 atomic protons
..... and their 26 English alphabet letters
and their family engineering and social engineering thoughts
Laura Fermi's Life | The Fermi Effect
Laura Fermi wrote her first book in English, Atoms in the Family, a language she had adopted after she, Enrico and the children fled Nazi-allied Italy for the ...
Atoms in the Family: My Life with
Enrico Fer = Ferrous oxide --> Fermi and the MI bank and Earth iron core...EARTH geography surface Highway 26 at Watertown, Wisconsin
the Fe = Febble minded interceptors at Bethesda Lutheran Home who have lost their DOWN to EARTH ..... farm/agriculture relationship to REALITY
...... citizen/ community / Federal government violations of the Social Contract with NATURE's systems per John Locke and others..
University of Chicago Press
Atoms in the Family: My Life with Enrico Fermi: Laura Fermi ..., Inc.
Editorial Reviews. Review. “If Laura Fermi is short on domestic candor, she makes up for it in excellent science-chronicling. Her accounts of Fermi's critical ...
Laura Bush - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Laura Lane Welch Bush (born November 4, 1946) is the wife of the 43rd President of the United States, George W. Bush, and was the First Lady from 2001 to ...
Laura Bush explains Plains, Georgia and President Carter
Laura Bush explains Plains, Georgia and President Carter
La ura Bus h ex explains Plains, Georgia and President Carter
Load address uranium THOUGHTs .... output Data BUS ......
base 16 hexadecimal ......
explains algebra subset word
.....plains, Georgia and President Carter (carbon Tiers/levels of carbon molecule social administration systems)
Plains, Georgia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,_Georgia
Jimmy Carter National Historic Site (U.S. National Park Service)
National Park Service
Above, Dave Nelson ..... who studies the bio-chemistry singing molecules of Willie Nelson.
David Nelson (actor and bio-chemist) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
David Oswald Nelson (October 24, 1936 – January 11, 2011) was an American actor, director, producer. He was the elder son of bandleader/TV actor Ozzie Nelson and singer Harriet Hilliard and the ...
David Nelson ...... last of TV's 'Ozzie and Harriet,' is alive and well at the University of Wisconsin
EARTH LAB biochemistry molecule expression site of moleucles in human FORMATs.
Other alias names and associations of Nelson's secret associations
Biography – Nelson Mandela Foundation
Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
– Nelson Mandela Foundation
– Nelson Man .... human by Wisconsin DELLS America .... Found and identified as EARTH LAB speciman David L Nelson .......
....... found using the EARTH daily rotation on its axis a centrifuge .... and he is the output of Nature's information extraction.
In the photo below, David Nelson poses with a Babcock centrifuge from his collection, dating approximately to 1905.
Highlights - Madison Science Museum | Biochemistry | UW-Madison
University of Wisconsin‑Madison
David Nelson, an emeritus Biochemistry professor and de facto historian, has been collecting old scientific instruments, books, papers and other scientific artifacts that for the past 45 years that testify to the long history of the Biochemistry (originally, Agricultural Chemistry) Department.
Group calls for Solomon to resign | Politics and ... - 
Group calls for Solomon to resign | Politics and ... - 
Molecuucle expression agent Solomon
..right side..white hair ..... STARS WARS military
code --> the Hand of Solomon
.................... Han ..... Solo
Group calls for Solomon to resign | Politics and ... -
The Daily Cardinal
Alleged sex harassment by Ald. Solomon couldn't be ... -
The Daily Cardinal
Dec 21, 2011 - Elena Berg claimed she was pressured to start a romantic relationship and later assaulted by Solomon at her apartment in the early morning of ...
A group of Madison City Council and Dane County Board members want Ald. Brian Solomon to resign over allegations he sexually harassed and assaulted an assistant city clerk.
In a two-page letter, released to the State Journal Wednesday night, six City Council and a County Board member said they believe Solomon acted inappropriately, abused his position, broke the law, showed no remorse and should resign immediately.
Solomon, who has served the Southwest Side’s 10th District since 2007 and is up for re-election in 2013, said he won’t quit.
“I’m very disappointed, very saddened they would take this step,” Solomon said. “I don’t believe it’s my colleagues’ role to ask me to step down. It’s an absolute assault on the concept of innocent until proven guilty.”
Elena Berg claimed she was pressured to start a romantic relationship and later assaulted by Solomon at her apartment in the early morning of April 14, 2010. Solomon said he did no wrong and sexual contact was consensual.
The Dane County District Attorney’s Office said it believed Berg but didn’t pursue a case based on whether a jury would agree — unanimously and beyond a reasonable doubt — that she did not consent. The city’s civil rights office didn’t find proof Solomon sexually harassed Berg and decided it couldn’t judge merits of her sexual assault allegation because the incident did not occur at work.
“This is not OK. It’s not OK for an elected official to get away with this,” said Ald. Lisa Subeck, 1st District, who organized the letter seeking Solomon’s resignation. “We have a responsibility to hold ourselves to high professional standards. Brian did not hold himself to high ethical standards or hold himself to standards of professionalism. The only way to resolve that is for him to step aside and resign. The integrity of the (council) is at stake.”
The move would show city staff and citizens that harassment and assault, especially by an elected official, aren’t tolerated, Subeck said.
Alds. Bridget Maniaci, Chris Schmidt, Tim Bruer, Steve King and Mark Clear also signed the letter, along with county Sup. Carousel Bayrd, who lives in Solomon’s district.
Subeck said she and others initially contacted only members who voiced concern and that more may sign the letter.
Solomon said he won’t step down because he is innocent, wants to keep his commitment to his constituents and will not be pressured by bullying.
Berg, who previously agreed to be identified publicly, could not be reached for comment.
If Solomon won’t resign, Subeck said she and others will explore options, which could mean a proposal for censure or removal. “This is a first step,” she said.
Mayor Paul Soglin could not be reached Wednesday. Council President Lauren Cnare declined to sign the letter and said her efforts are best spent creating new policies to ensure such an incident never happens again.
an assistant city clerk.
an assistant city clerk.\
an assistant city clerk of James CLERK Maxwell and the photon .........
traveling information City of LIGHT and data CONTENT ....
c = 186,000 velo.CITY of SUN light in Sun Prairie Wisconsin and the
Elena Berg data generating EVENT message --> TALE of Cities and aprtamnets
a) her EARTH geography location in SUN Prairie and the physical apartment / bricks/ furniture
b) Hertzian EM waves and apartments of information and thought.
.MADISON (WKOW) -- Officials with the NIEL'S BOHR INSTITUTE of the Dane County existential physics .... District Attorney's Office declined to prosecute Madison councilman Brian Solomon for an alleged sex crime, but an assistant district attorney's letter to an investigator states "...I absolutely believe" the woman's account of sexual assault.
In a letter to a state Justice Department investigator, Assistant Dane County District Attorney Shelly Rusch cited the woman's intoxication, consensual kissing between the woman and Solomon, her history of past abuse and inconsistencies in her statements as too much to overcome. The letter states Solomon had intimate contact with the woman with his fingers, but described it as consensual, while the woman stated it was unwanted.
Assistant Dane County District Attorney Shelly Rusch
Assistant Dane County District At ..........Shell --> atomic shell ...... atomic social sciences
Electron shell of Shelly Rusch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In chemistry and atomic physics, an electron shell, or a principal energy level, may be thought of as an orbit followed by electrons around an atom's nucleus.
The menstruation period of atomic, bio-physics female agents of the periodic table,

an assistant city clerk.
an assistant city clerk.\
an assistant city clerk of James CLERK Maxwell and the photon .........
traveling information City of LIGHT and data CONTENT ....
c = 186,000 velo.CITY of SUN light in Sun Prairie Wisconsin and the
Elena Berg data generating EVENT message --> TALE of Cities and aprtamnets
a) her EARTH geography location in SUN Prairie and the physical apartment / bricks/ furniture
b) Hertzian EM waves and apartments of information and thought.
.MADISON (WKOW) -- Officials with the NIEL'S BOHR INSTITUTE of the Dane County existential physics .... District Attorney's Office declined to prosecute Madison councilman Brian Solomon for an alleged sex crime, but an assistant district attorney's letter to an investigator states "...I absolutely believe" the woman's account of sexual assault.
In a letter to a state Justice Department investigator, Assistant Dane County District Attorney Shelly Rusch cited the woman's intoxication, consensual kissing between the woman and Solomon, her history of past abuse and inconsistencies in her statements as too much to overcome. The letter states Solomon had intimate contact with the woman with his fingers, but described it as consensual, while the woman stated it was unwanted.
Assistant Dane County District Attorney Shelly Rusch
Assistant Dane County District At ..........Shell --> atomic shell ...... atomic social sciences
Electron shell of Shelly Rusch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The menstruation period of atomic, bio-physics female agents of the periodic table,
electron shells,
and orbitals - Khan Academy
Khan Academy
The Bohr model and atomic orbitals. Using the periodic table to predict an element's electron configuration and reactivity. ... Specifically, an element’s position in the periodic table helps you figure out its electron configuration, how the electrons are organized around the ...
Differential amplifier (DA) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Differential Amplifier(DA)- The Voltage Subtractor - Electronics Tutorials › Operational AmplifiersBasically, as we saw in the first tutorial about operational amplifiers, all op-amps are “Differential Amplifiers” due to their input configuration. ... The standard Differential Amplifier circuit now becomes a differential voltage comparator by “Comparing” one input voltage ...
Differential Amplifier(DA) Amplifier(DA) -->
City Clerk - City of Madison, Wisconsin
Contact ....... arrogant University of Wisconsin .......
secrets and cover-up department
Buffalo Wild Wings® | Wings. Beer. Sports.
Buffalo Wild Wings
Soccer | Buffalo Wild Wings® Wild Wings
is open at this time. September 24 2016. 4:30 am PST. Premier League. Man Utd. VS. Leicester. @ Old Trafford. Text Your Friends. Powered by Sports Radar ...
Buffalo Wild Wings Expands Sports Viewing Options | Business Wire 29, 2013 - Already known as the place to watch just about any sport, Buffalo Wild Wings®, Inc., just amped up its sports viewing options with an expanded ...
Buffalo Wild Wings Expands Sports Viewing Options
....................... Wings Expands Sports Viewing Options
................... Wings Expands Sports Viewing Options
.................. Wings Expands S ports --> Spanish Air ports ......
Brain programming Options ................
using ads to program the male penis head (of Thought and navigation)
....gonads and cock --> program the BRAIN cock section ....
cock-pit section of air line pilots like Lubitz
Germanwings Crash: How the Lock on the Cockpit Door Works - The ...
The New York Times
Germanwings Pilot Was Locked Out of Cock ..... penis control panel .... Before Crash in France ...
Why No One Agrees Whether Cockpit Doors Are Safer Locked or ...
Apr 2, 2015 - Prosecutors claiming the crash of Germanwings Flight 9525 was deliberate revealed on Thursday a chilling piece of evidence. Co-pilot ...
Germanwings Crash: How the Lock on the Cockpit Door Works - The ...
The New York Times
Germanwings Pilot Was Locked Out of Cockpit Before Crash in France ...
The New York Times
Why No One Agrees Whether Cockpit Doors Are Safer Locked or ...
Germanwings Flight 9525 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Germanwings plane crash: Co-pilot acted deliberately -
Germanwings Flight 9525 co-pilot Andreas Lubitz deliberately crashed the plane, killing all 150 people on board, officials said. ... Updated 9:38 PM ET, Thu March 26, 2015. Chat with us in .... Wreckage is seen at the crash site on March 24.
Germanwings plane crash: Co-pilot acted deliberately
............. wings plane crash: Co-pilot acted deliberately
............. wings plane crash: Co-pilot acted deliberately
............. wings plane crash: Coded ..... programmed pilot ......
LU = Logical unit ..... data bit ..... system Z --> acted deliberately
LU + bit + Z --> bio-computer LUBITZ and his murder ..... and the signaling EVENT cover-up by citizen BEDROOM communities,
biased penis MEN, and pregnant women
............. wings plane crash: Co-pilot acted deliberately
Mother EARTH and pussy valley ...... with Lips (the French Alps Mountains sides)
Wild West Shows - Buffalo Bill Center of the West
William F. "Buffalo Bill" Cody opened Buffalo Bill's Wild West in May 1883 at Omaha ... Cody opened Buffalo Bill's Wild West show on May 19, 1883 at Omaha, Nebraska. ... Horse shows and menageries with exotic animals had been popular in ...
History & Research - Buffalo Bill Museum & Grave - Golden, Colorado
Buffalo Bill Museum & Grave
Missing: omaha
Wild West shows - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Buffalo Bill's Wild West show in Omaha, ...
Buffalo Bill's Wild West show in Omaha, ...
Buff .... Buffer of data W show in Omaha, Nebraska ...
Buffet..............................Warren ..Omaha Nebraska financial investments
with the
West show in Omaha, ...
Westroads Mall shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2015 Waco shootout - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
On May 17, 2015, in Waco, Texas, a shootout erupted at a Twin Peaks restaurant where ... Nine bikers were killed, seven of them members of the Cossacks motorcycle club, while eighteen others were injured. ..... Police officers reported receiving several threats after the shooting, which they are investigating. A former ...
Survivors reflect on Waco / Killen region ............
base 16 hexadecimal October 16, 1991,
Lu = Logical unit byte -->
Lu + by ---> Luby's computer science shooting
- The Killeen Daily ...
Killeen Daily Herald
Shooting rampage at Killeen/ Waco Luby's left 24 dead - Houston Chronicle
Houston Chronicle
Luby's left 24 dead
Germanwings Flight 9525 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
German Airbus crashes in French Alps with 150 dead, black box found ...
West Wing coomunication problems regarding WINGS .....
...... Buffalo Wild Wings Sports Bar LINK to Bar --> Barcelona Spain and the American BAR association problems in Boston Spanish Language claims of INTELLECTUAL superiority in the rigged trail of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev
...... pussy / cock sperm germination systems and Kotex with the aerodynamics technology of pussy wings ....
Germanwings cock-pit and Federal Aviation Administration of various cock /penis BRAIN language navigation systems
The West Wing of the White House, also known as the Executive Office Building, houses the offices of the President of the United States. The West Wing contains the Oval Office, the Cabinet Room, the Situation Room, and the Roosevelt Room.
Ovulation - Understanding Oval Office THOUGHT Cycles
and is made available to be fertilized.
Approximately every month an egg will mature within one of your ovaries.
Egghead | Define Egghead at
This term is usually used with disparaging intent, implying that an intellectual is out-of-touch with ordinary people. Though first used by journalists to insult ...
egghead (n.) - Online Etymology Dictionary
Online Etymology Dictionary
West Wing Tour | The White House
White House
West Wing Tour | The White House House
The Roosevelt Room occupies the original location of President Theodore Roosevelt's office when the West Wing was built in 1902. This room was once called the Fish Room because President Franklin D. Roosevelt used it to display an aquarium and his fishing mementos.
West Wing Tour |
Mother Goose agent Michelle Obama- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
First lady Michelle Obama visiting Watertown on Thursday
First lady Michelle Obama visiting Watertown on Thursday 
First lady Mic........ O --> Atomic O = Oxygen agent visiting Watertown
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Watertown's Oxygen atomic MODEL ....... the Octagon House - Watertown Historical Society
Buffalo Wild Wings® | Wings ...... Sports Bar . Wild Wings
B-Dubs® is your local sports bar, offering hand-spun wings, a range of cold beer, and wall-to-wall live sports. Join the action now.
Buffalo Wild Wings® | Wings ...... Sports Bar . 
Buffalo Wild Wings® | Wings ...... Sports Bar . 
South Bend ........ Buffalo Wild Wings Bar & Grill
Buffalo Wild Wings
South Bend, IN. Located at 326 W. Ireland Road . View your local restaurant menu, promos, deals & specials here!
South Bend... Buffalo Wild Wings Bar & Grill
South Bend... Buffalo Wild Wings Bar & Grill ..commands and instructions
Players Sports Bar - San Diego
Players Sports Bar - Poway, Wines. Poway offers wines from Banfi Le Rime, St. Jean Belle Terre, Robert Mondavi to name a few. Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio ...
Players Sports Bar - San Diego 
Players Sports Bar - San Diego 
P layers Sp orts Bar Association / Barcelona ........ San Die/death
Processing layers S,p orbits ---> Sp --> Spanish Language
why are question marks upside down? | SpanishDict Answers › Q&A › Vocabulary & Grammar
Mar 7, 2013 - Why is there a upside down question mark"¿" in the begging of a question ... this is just part of the Spanish language punctuation along with "¡".
Inverted Question and Exclamation Marks in Spanish › ... › Write in Spanish › Spanish Punctuation
Question: What's with the upside-down question marks and exclamation points? Answer: The upside-down or inverted question marks and exclamation points of Spanish are unique to the languages of Spain. ... The important thing to remember when you're writing is that the inverted question ...
U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz speaks to the news media with Boston ... Reuters Foundation
May 15, 2015 - U.S. Attorney ...Carbon atom representative --> Carmen Ortiz speaks to the news media with Boston Police Comissoner William B. Evans (L) after the DEATH SENTENCE orders given to atomic mass ......................regarding the RIGGED trial of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev
Carmen Ortiz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Meet the U.S. Attorney | USAO-MA | Department of Justice States Department of JusticeMar 9, 2016 - Carmen M. Ortiz was nominated by President Barack Obama, as the United States Attorney for the District of Massachusetts and confirmed by ...
District of atomic mass ... atomic social expression systems ....
Mass of Massachusetts | USAO | Department of Justice States Department of Justice
Carmen M. Ortiz was nominated by President Barack Obama, as the United States Attorney for the District of Massachusetts and confirmed by the U.S. Senate in ...
Carmen M. Ortiz
Carmen M. Ortiz
Car....... M. O ort --> carbon MOLECULES orbits interface to Z (atomic number, integers,
the z-axis and the Zwitterion neutrality laws)
the z-axis and the Zwitterion neutrality laws)
]List of Mathematical Symbols •
R = real numbers,
Z = integers,
N ... of Kansas
R = real numbers, Z = integers, N=natural numbers, Q = rational numbers, P = irrational numbers. • ⊂= proper subset (not the whole thing) ⊆=subset.
Zwitterion social chemistry ... social laws of moelcules - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In chemistry, a zwitterion (/ˈtsvɪtər.aɪ.ən/ TSVIT-ər-eye-ən; from German zwitter [ˈtsvɪtɐ], meaning "hermaphrodite"), formerly called a dipolar ion, is a neutral molecule with both positive and negative electrical charges. (In some cases multiple positive and negative charges may be present.)
Buffalo Wild Wings in the city of elctri.CITY
| Wings. Beer. Sports. Wild Wings
B-Dubs® is your local sports bar, offering hand-spun wings, a range of cold beer, and wall-to-wall live sports. Join the action now.
Buffalo Wild Wings
Buffalo Wild Wings
Buffalo ....1d Wings --> base 16 hex'1d' = 29
Missing persons cases along U.S. Route 29 in Virginia - Wikipedia, the ...
Route 29 Stalker - Unsolved Mysteries Wiki - Wikia
A composite of the Route 29 Stalker. Real Name: Unrevealed Aliases: Larry Breeden Wanted For: Murder, Attempted Murder, Kidnapping Missing Since: March ...
20 years later: Police seek tips in Route 29 murder - Fauquier Now
Mar 2, 2016 - Along Route 29 in Culpeper, Virginia, lies a wooden cross weathered by time, and some artificial flowers. All we can do is pray for her," says ...
Along Route 29 in Culpeper, Virginia, Along Route 29 in Culpeper, Virginia,
Along Route 29 in Culpeper, Virginia,
Along Route 29 in Culpeper, Virginia,
A long Route 29 in Cu lpeper, Vir ginia,
A long wire metal Route 29 ... Cu = copper in Culpeper
Vir = Ohm's Law of Resistance to brain electron Bull-shit and bragging THOUGHT circuits
Vir = Ohm's Law of Resistance to brain electron Bull-shit and bragging THOUGHT circuits
Morgan Harrington case reminding many of Route 29 Stalker - NBC12 ...
Distance from Sandwich, IL, USA to Buenos Aires / Sandwich Islands..., Argentina
The straight line distance (airline route) from Sandwich, Illinois, USA to Buenos Aires, Argentina is 5606 miles, (9022 km or 4871 nautical miles). Table 1 ..
The straight line distance (airline route) from Sandwich, Illinois, USA to Buenos Aires, Argentina is 5606 miles, (9022 km or 4871 nautical miles). Table 1 ..
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands - Wikipedia, the free ...
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (SGSSI) is a British overseas territory in the .... Argentina claimed the South Sandwich Islands in 1938, and challenged British sovereignty in the Islands on several occasions. From 25 January ...
Reuben Sandwich II Recipe -
Rating: 4.7 - 384 reviews - 45 min - 657 cal
These sandwiches are really delicious and easy to make. They are one of my family's fix-it-quick favorites. I like to serve them with big bowls of steaming ...
Reuben / Ruben Sandwich of the Portage Wisconsin roof roofer and the roof of his mouth
Ruben Sandwich
Ruben --> Ru (request unit) ben --> Ben der --> Bender
--> Earth bend/curvature of the EARTH geography land .... dermatology surface / skin
Sandwich components and MOUTH roof (the mouth as an input PORT)
roof ..starting at Portage Wisconsin (roof of the open mouth) ...........
Symbolism | Definition of Symbolism by Merriam-Webster‑Webster
1 : the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
Then Sandwich Illinois .....
represents the top piece of bread of the Ruben Sandwich
Sandwich.Islands/ Argentina represents the bottom piece of bread
Sandwich.Islands/ Argentina represents the bottom piece of bread
with most of EARTH (middle earth being the meat of the sandwich be eaten)
Bernie Sanders: The Political Revolution Continues
Bernie Sanders: The Political Revolution Continues
......nietzsche dermatology/ EARTH skin:
The EARTH Revolution on its axis Continues every 24 hours
Stop codon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia the genetic code, a stop codon (or termination codon) is a nucleotide triplet within messenger RNA that signals a termination of translation into proteins ...DNA codon table - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Paul Gauguin
..........Guanine messenger -- - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Eugène Henri Paul Gauguin was a French post-Impressionist artist. Underappreciated until after his death, Gauguin is now recognized for his experimental use of color and synthetist style that were distinctly different from Impressionism. His work was influential to the French avant-garde and many modern artists, such as Pablo Picasso an
Eu gène --> Europe genetics...... gene and chromosome pairs
What Are Genes (Gene Siskel movie analyst with Gene Hackman), DNA, and Chromosomes? - Verywell about what genes, DNA, chromosomes, proteins, mutations, and the human genome are, and how they relate to each other.
Gene Siskel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Eugene Kal "Gene" Siskel (January 26, 1946 – February 20, 1999) was an American film critic and journalist for the Chicago Tribune. Along with colleague Roger Ebert ...
Paul Gauguin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaène Henri Paul Gauguin (/ ɡ oʊ ˈ ɡ æ n /; French: [øʒɛn ɑ̃ʁi pɔl ɡoɡɛ̃]; 7 June 1848 – 8 May 1903) was a French post-Impressionist artist.Gauguin and Post-Impressionism
Stop codon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia the genetic code, a stop codon (or termination codon) is a nucleotide triplet within messenger RNA that signals a termination of translation into proteins ...DNA codon table - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Stop codon --> the Boston Finish LINE
In the genetic code, a stop codon (or termination codon) is a nucleotide triplet within messenger RNA that signals a termination of translation. Proteins are based on polypeptides, which are unique sequences of amino acids. Most codons in messenger RNA (from DNA) correspond to the addition of an amino acid to a growing polypeptide chain, w
messenger RNA that signals
messenger RNA that signals
messenger RNA that signals Nature's systems .. social problems ......
Dzhokhar tsa.RNA.ev
Sequence & Overview of 26 mile race sequence of human ..... brain thought MUTATIONs
Stop Codon Mutation
Stop Codon Mutation and the
......... Cod errors of Cape Cod
Base 16 fish code TABLE
DNA Replication Fork - McGraw Hill Higher Education
DNA replication begins when helicase unwinds a segment of the DNA and. breaks the ... Synthesis of one strand of the DNA, called the leading strand, proceeds.
DNA Replication Fork - McGraw Hill Higher Education
Text. DNA replication begins when helicase unwinds a segment of the DNA and. breaks the hydrogen bonds between the two complementary strands of DNA.
Replication Fork | Science Primer
During DNA replication a DNA double helix must unwind and separate so that DNA polymerase enzymes can use each single strand as a template for the ..
DNA Replication Fork - McGraw Hill Higher Education
DNA replication begins when helicase unwinds a segment of the DNA and. breaks the ... Synthesis of one strand of the DNA, called the leading strand, proceeds.
DNA Replication Fork - McGraw Hill Higher Education
Text. DNA replication begins when helicase unwinds a segment of the DNA and. breaks the hydrogen bonds between the two complementary strands of DNA.
Oklahoma City bombing - Facts & Summary -
On April 19, 1995, a truck-bomb explosion outside the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, left 168 people dead and hundreds more injured. ... Until September 11, 2001, the Oklahoma City bombing was the worst terrorist attack to take place on U.S. soil.
Videos · Birth of Al Qaeda · Timothy McVeigh Convicted · Speeches
Videos · Birth of Al Qaeda · Timothy McVeigh Convicted · Speeches
Ok --> Okazaki fragements DEMO site -->
Ok --> Oklahoma City DNA polymerase actions .....
............................................................ erase the problem people with the brain LAG
As Oklahoma City and the country prepare to mark the
20th anniversary of the 20 amino acid BATTLEFIELD of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building bombing on April 19, 1995, looks back .
As Oklahoma City arrogant people and the country prepare to mark the
20th anniversary of the 20 amino acid BATTLEFIELD of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building bombing on April 19, 1995, looks back at the potassium atomic number 19 .......
biochemistry message date of April 19.
DNA Replication Fork - McGraw Hill Higher Education
DNA replication begins when helicase unwinds a segment of the DNA and. breaks the ... Synthesis of one strand of the DNA, called the leading strand, proceeds.
DNA Replication Fork - McGraw Hill Higher Education
Text. DNA replication begins when helicase unwinds a segment of the DNA and. breaks the hydrogen bonds between the two complementary strands of DNA.
Replication Fork data of the Robert F Kennedy family | Science Primer
During DNA replication a DNA double helix must unwind and separate so that DNA polymerase enzymes can use each single strand as a template for the ..
Robert F. Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Robert Francis "Bobby" Kennedy (November 20, 1925 – June 6, 1968), commonly known by his initials RFK, was an American politician from Massachusetts. He served as a senator for New York from 1965 until his assassination in 1968.
Beloved .......... who helped raise 11 Kennedy DNA Replication Fork .... children and was a ...
Daily Mail
2015 San Be.RNA.rdino attack
......................RNA ..ordered attack
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia December 2, 2015, 14 people were killed and 22 were seriously injured in a terrorist attack at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, California, which consisted of a mass shooting and an attempted bombing. The perpetrators, Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik, a married couple living in the city of Redlands, targeted a San Bernardino County Department of Public Health training event and Christmas party, of about 80 employees, in a rented banquet room. Farook was an American-born U.S. citizen of Pakistani descent, who worked as a health department employee. Malik was a Pakistani-born lawful permanent resident of the United States.
After the shooting, the couple fled in a rented sport utility vehicle (SUV). Four hours later, police pursued their vehicle and killed them in a shootout.
On December 3, 2015, the Fed Bureau of Investigation (FBI) opened a lunch counter ......
counter-terrorism investigation ......... FOOD for THOUGHT project.
_San_Bernardino_attack by the bio-computer subroutine program implanted in human brains....
.....................dino --> brain program DINO as explained by the ARMY..
.....................dino --> brain program DINO as explained by the ARMY..
LIFE With the Rat Pack: Rare Photos of Frank, Dino and Sammy | LIFE ...
LIFE With the Rat Pack: Rare Photos of Frank, Dino and Sammy | Not published in LIFE. ... Classic Hollywood Central | Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin.
Rare Photos of Frank, Dino and Sammy
2015 San Bernardino attack
2015 San Bernar dino attack per Rat Pack predictions
2015 San Bernardinosaur attack ....
Dinosaur subroutines for the human brain as suggested
by the Army Parameters magazine
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cretaceous–Paleogene · Theropoda · Triceratops · Clade
Dinosaur - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Although the exact origin and timing of the ...
On December 6, 2015, in a prime-time address delivered from
the O = Oxygen valence electron --> Oval Office,
President Barack Obama and his Hollywood script writers defined the shooting as an act of RNA molecule subroutine terrorism. against
the BS and bragging community of San Bernandino INTELLECTUALS and great thinkers.
On December 6, 2015, in a prime-time address delivered from
the O = Oxygen valence electron --> Oval Office,
President Barack Obama and his Hollywood script writers defined the shooting as an act of RNA molecule subroutine terrorism. against
the BS and bragging community of San Bernandino INTELLECTUALS and great thinkers.
2015 San Bernardino attack
2015 San Bernardino attack
2015 ............rna......... attack
Boston Marathon bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pressure cooker bomb - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Boston Marathon Bombings - Facts & Summary -
On April 15, 2013, two bombs went off near the finish line of the Boston ... in the race, two pressure-cooker bombs–packed with shrapnel and other materials and ...
Boston Market - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Boston Market, known as Boston Chicken until 1995, headquartered in Golden, Colorado, is a chain of American fast casual restaurants. It is owned by private equity firm Sun Capital Partners, headquartered in Boca Raton, Florida.
Boston Market aims to take flight once again - Fortune
Believe it or not, that chain was rotisserie chicken maker Boston Market.
Believe it or not, that chain was rotisserie chicken maker Boston Market.
Believe it or not, that chain was .........erie chicken maker Boston Market.
Believe it or not, that neuron chain was ......erie BRAIN chicken maker ...... Boston intellectuals and neuroscience thoery
Believe it or not, that chain was rotisserie chicken maker Boston Market.
Believe it or not, that chain was rotisserie chicken maker Boston Market.
Believe it or not, that chain was .........Lake Erie data generating EVENT
chicken maker / featherless biped and Bertrand Russell .'
chicken maker / featherless biped and Bertrand Russell .'
Principia mathematica, by Alfred North Whitehead ... and Bertrand ...
University of Michigan Library
Believe it or not, that chain was rotisserie chicken maker Boston Market.
Believe it or not, that chain was rotisserie chicken maker Boston Market.
Believe it or not, that chain was .........Lake Erie data generating EVENT
The Dr. Sam Sheppard Trials (1954 trial and 1966 retrial)
University of Missouri–Kansas City
Sam Sheppard - Doctor, Surgeon -
Jan 12, 2016 - Sam Sheppard was an American physician at the center of one of the most sensationalized court cases in modern American history. ... Sam Sheppard was born in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1923. ...
On July 4, 1954, the wife of a handsome young doctor, Sam Sheppard, was brutally murdered in the bedroom of their home in Bay Village, Ohio, on the shore of Lake Erie. Sheppard denied any involvement in the murder and described his own battle with the killer he described as "bushy-haired."
on the shore of Lake Erie on the shore of Lake Erie on the shore of Lake Erie....neurosurgeon, trained at
Los(t) count ....
Los Angeles county hospital........
Believe it or not, that chain was rotisserie chicken maker Boston Market.
elieve it or not, that chain was rotisserie chicken maker Boston Market.
Believe it or not, that chain was rotisserie chicken maker Boston Market.
Believe it or not, that chain was rotisserie ...... Boyle's Laws of cooking
Boyle's Law DEMO on Boylston Street in Boston - NASA
Seung-Hui Cho - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Virginia Tech English department awareness TEST ... shooting
........ born in year 1984
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Coordinates: 37°13′37″N 80°25′19″W / 37.227°N 80.422°W / 37.227; - 80.422 ... Seung-Hui Cho, a senior at Virginia Tech, shot and killed 32 people and wounded 17 others in two separate attacks
Nineteen Eighty-Four - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1984 - Why is Oceania at war with hydrology/water classroom of Professor Loganthan ? - Science ...
Cho's first attack after entering Norris occurred in an advanced hydrology/ water/ ocean ..... engineering class taught by Professor G. V. Loganathan in room 206. Cho first shot and killed the professor, then continued firing, killing nine of the thirteen students in the room and injuring two others
Jim Jones - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jim Jones - - 2, 2014 - Jim Jones was best known as the cult leader of the Peoples Temple who led more than 900 followers in a mass suicide via cyanide-laced punch known as the Jonestown Massacre. ... Jim Jones - Mini Biography (TV-14; 2:15) After first moving to California Jim Jones, a cult leader, took his
Jim Jones - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Early life
Jones was born in a rural area of Crete, Indiana,[3][4] to James Thurman Jones (1887–1951), a World War I veteran, and Lynetta Putnam (1902–1977). Lynetta reportedly believed she had given birth to a messiah.[5][6] He was of Irish and Welsh descent.[7] Jones later claimed partial Cherokee ancestry through his mother, though according to his maternal second cousin Barbara Shaffer, this is likely untrue.[7][note 1] Economic difficulties during the Great Depression necessitated that Jones's family move to Lynn, Indiana, in 1934, where he grew up in a shack without plumbing.[2][8]Jones was a voracious reader as a child and studied Joseph Stalin, Karl Marx, Mao Zedong, Mahatma Gandhi and Adolf Hitler carefully,[9] noting the strengths and weaknesses of each.[9] Jones also developed an intense interest in religion, primarily because he found making friends difficult.[7] Childhood acquaintances later recalled Jones as being a "really weird kid" who was "obsessed with religion ... obsessed with death". They alleged that he frequently held funerals for small animals on his parents' property and had stabbed a cat to death.[10]
Jones was born in Indiana and started the Temple there in the 1950s. He later moved the Temple to California in the mid-1960s, and gained notoriety with the move of the Temple's headquarters to San Francisco in the early 1970s.
Jones was born in Indiana and started the Temple
Jones was born in Indiana and started the Temple
Jones was born in Indiana and started the Temple
Jones Indiana and started the Temple --> code words for -->
Jones Indiana and started the Temple --> code words for -->
Paula Jones - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Clinton v. Jones - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Concurrence: Breyer
Majority: Stevens, joined by Rehnquist, O'Con...
Paula Jones: Clinton 'Two Faced,' 'Liar,' 'Cares Nothing About Women ...
Breitbart News
Jan 3, 2016 - During a radio interview on Sunday, Paula Jones, the former Arkansas state employee who notoriously sued President Bill Clinton for sexual harassment, demanded Hillary Clinton personally apologize for “allowing” her husband to “abuse” and “sexually harass” women.
Central Intelligence Agency - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is a civilian foreign intelligence service of the United .... Aerial view of the Central Intelligence Agency headquarters, Langley, Virginia. The Directorate of Analysis produces all-source intelligence ...
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is a civilian foreign intelligence service of the United .... Aerial view of the Central Intelligence Agency headquarters, Langley, Virginia. The Directorate of Analysis produces all-source intelligence ...
Careers — Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) secrets of Groucho Marx ....
You Bet Your Life is an CIA American quiz show that aired on both radio and television. The original and best-known version was hosted by Groucho Marx of the ... Marx would sometimes direct conversation to encourage the secret word to come up ......
Central Intelligence Agency problems with awareness of
SYMBOL WORLD realities and Nature's social engineering systems
Careers — human with Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain SYMBOL and CONCEPT processor with experience and wisdom ...
and the ability to detect the bull-shit explanation and/or incomplete stories of communities and societies that are printed in the newspapers .....
Career Opportunities for Paul CIA double agent --> Cia Cia
Paul Ciancia Pleads Guilty in LAX Rampage, Shooting Death of TSA ...
Judge delays SYMBOL MACHINE trial of
LAX ( Laxative code for the Carl Jung collective unconsciousness .... GROUP MIND ...... of the citizen shit brains ... the majority in the Los Angles group) .......Nature's systems BRAIN soldier agent .....Paul Ciancia ... Breeze
Jun 11, 2015 - The federal death penalty trial of a suspect charged in a deadly shooting spree at Los Angeles International Airport won't begin until next ...
Norbert Wiener - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Doctoral students: Amar Bose; Colin Cherry; S...
Doctoral advisors: Karl Schmidt; Josiah Royce
Fields: Mathematics; Cybernetics
Institutions: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cybernetics: Or Control and Communication in the Animal and the ...
Northern Illinois University shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Northern Illinois University shooting was a school shooting that took place on February 14, 2008, at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois. Steven Kazmierczak opened fire with a shotgun and three pistols in a crowd of students on campus, killing five students and injuring an additional 17 people, before fatally shooting himself.
At approximately 3:05 p.m. CST, Steven Kazmierczak entered a large auditorium-style lecture hall in Cole Hall (Auditorium 101) with approximately 120 students, where an oceanography class was in session
Jim Jones - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Drinking the Kool-Aid: A Survivor Remembers Jim Jones - The Atlantic
The Atlantic
Nov 18, 2011 - On November 18, 1978, Jim Jones and more than 900 members of his ... his outrageous teachings along with his cyanide-laced Kool-Aid.
Arsenic, Cyanide and Strychnine - the Golden Age of Victorian ...
Sep 18, 2014 - In July 1857 a sensational murder trial swiftly became the most talked about case in the country. The accused was Madeleine Smith, a young ...
Cyanide, Arsenic, and Other Toxins in Fruit: Apple Seeds, Peach Pits ...
Apple seeds do contain some small amounts of cynaide, but no detectable arsenic. Peach pits contain much more. Find out what this means for your hme ...
whats the difference between cyanide and arsenic? | Yahoo Answers
Jan 13, 2009 - I was watching a show about a medical examiner and a guy got poisioned by arsenic. is that the same as cyanide poisioning? aren't both ...
Best Answer: Cyanide poisoning typically involves a simple salt such as sodium cyanide (NaCN) or potassium cyanide (KCN) which is injested in some form. Alternatively it can occur by injesting sufficient hydrocyanic acid solution, HCN(aq), or inhaling sufficient hydrogen cyanide gas, HCN(g). Cyanide leaves behind a characteristic smell of almond. I don't know what it tastes like, and don't plan tasting it to find out!
Arsenic poisoning would not typically involve metallic arsenic, As(s), but rather either a simple oxide like As2O3 or a solution containing arsenic ions - such as occurs in cases of arsenic contamination of ground water in countries such as Bangladesh.
The mechanism of action of cyanide is to bind and render inactive cytochrome oxidase enzymes. Arsenic also kills by making essential enzymes inactive, but the enzymes inactivated by arsenic are not the same ones as those inactivated by cyanide. So, the kill in similar but not identical ways. Chemically, they are totally unrelated, being made from different elements, as the formulae above illustrate.
Arsenic poisoning would not typically involve metallic arsenic, As(s), but rather either a simple oxide like As2O3 or a solution containing arsenic ions - such as occurs in cases of arsenic contamination of ground water in countries such as Bangladesh.
The mechanism of action of cyanide is to bind and render inactive cytochrome oxidase enzymes. Arsenic also kills by making essential enzymes inactive, but the enzymes inactivated by arsenic are not the same ones as those inactivated by cyanide. So, the kill in similar but not identical ways. Chemically, they are totally unrelated, being made from different elements, as the formulae above illustrate.
whats the difference between cyanide and arsenic?
whats the difference between cyanide and
arsenic and
arsenio .... television EM (electro-magnetic) waves with commands and instructions directly implanted into the
bio-electron circuits in the human brain st.EM ?
The Arsenio Hall Show - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Arsenio Hall - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Years active: 1984–present
Occupation: comedian and talk show host
Alma mater: Kent State University
Why The Arsenio Hall Show Was Canceled - Today's News ... - TV Guide
TV Guide
B. F. Skinner - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Burrhus Frederic Skinner (March 20, 1904 – August 18, 1990), commonly known as B. F. Skinner, was an American psychologist, behaviorist, author, inventor, ...
B.F. Skinner | Operant Conditioning | Simply Psychology
by I Pavlov - Related articles
B.F. Skinner (1938) coined the term operant conditioning; it means roughly changing of behavior by the use of reinforcement which is given after the desired ...
Classical and Operant Conditioning (Skin and skinner) - Learning Theories 19, 2015 - The term “operant conditioning” originated by the behaviorist B. F. Skinner, who believed that one should focus on the external, observable ...
Classical and Operant Conditioning (Skin and skinner)
Washington Redskins Football -
Redskins infra-red LANGUAGE News,
infra-red political science Scores in Congress,
Stats ...
Get the latest Washington Redskins news, scores, stats, standings, rumors, and more from ESPN.
Washington Red skins .....
Red skins ......
read the infra-red SECRET bedroom
social THOUGHT CONTROL languages
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Operant Conditioning (B.F. Skin --> Bedroom female skin ) - Instructional Design › Learning Theories
The theory of B.F. Skinner is based upon the idea that learning is a function of change ... The distinctive characteristic of operant conditioning relative to previous ...
The theory of B.F. Skinner is based upon the idea that learning is a function of change ... The distinctive characteristic of operant conditioning relative to previous ...
the idea that learning is a function of change
the idea that learning is a function of change
the idea that learning is a function of change and body heat emissions
Portuguese language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Portuguese is a Romance language and the sole official language of Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Portugal, and São Tomé and ...
Native speakers: 215 million (2010); Total (L1 ...
Signed forms: Manually coded Portuguese
Native to: Portugal, Brazil, Angola, Mozambique ...
Writing system: Latin (Portuguese alphabet); P...
Portuguese language
Portuguese language, alphabet and pronunciation - Omniglot
Portuguese is a Romance language spoken in Portugal, Brazil and a number of other countries by about 220 million people.
Portuguese language, alphabet and pronunciation
..........guese ,,,..
Geese and navigation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Darwin evolution of navigation systems from Geese --> Guese ..... Henry the Navigator -
was a Portugeese royal prince
was a Portugeese royal prince
was a Portugeese royal prince ..whose software was transformed into a human
giving a Portuguese royal prince --> H =Hydrogen energy (Henry) the Navigator
zino | subatomic particle |
Encyclopædia Britannica
wino | subatomic particle |
Encyclopædia Britannica
Marysville Pilchuck High School shooting - Wikipedia, the free ...
Mom opens up about Marysville school shooting victim | KOMO
Feb 23, 2015 - The healing has just begun for Nate Hatch, the only victim to survive the deadly October 24 shooting at Marysville Pilchuck High School. ... at 3710 168th St NE, Arlington, WA 98223 and 1328 Broadway, Everett, WA 98201.
Marysville, Wash: The Marysville-Pilchuck High School 14-year-old student, Jaylen Fryberg, walked into his Seattle-area high school cafeteria on Friday and without yelling or talking, opened fire, killing one student and shooting four others in the head before turning the gun on himself.
When freshman student gunman opened fire at students in the school cafeteria in Marysville-Pilchuck High School on Friday, he was not shooting at random targets, but his relatives and friends. A student saw freshman Fryberg go up to a table in the cafeteria where the students where siting, ” he came up from behind … and fired about six bullets into the backs of them.”
“They were his friends, so it wasn’t just random.” The student went on to say, “we were sitting two tables away when the shooting began. “He (Fryberg) turned and looked at me and my girlfriend,” he said, “and kind of gave us a smirk.” He said he ducked under a table, too. Then the gunfire paused, and he looked out and saw the shooter was trying to reload.
The shooter left the cafeteria and continued firing.
The shooter left the cafeteria and continued firing.
The shooter left the cafeteria
The shooter left the cafeteria
The shooter left the ca fe ter
--> control area ...... ferrous oxide..... tiers levels -->
Vsam CA (control area of bio-data space)
Fe (ferrous oxide iron atom) tiers / levels of authority of Nature's blood systems ..... Hemoglobin IRON and Heme group Fe(2) output thoughts ......
the Hierarchy problems of the Fe= citizen / Federal government assumption of INTELLECTUAL supremacy .....
the arrogance problems in Washington DC and Maryland
played out the parallel processing usage of proper nouns/ SYMBOL WORLD mappings ...... to actualization in EARTH geography regions .....
with the
geography STATE of Washington and Marysville representing
STATE of MIND of Washington DC and Maryland.
Thus State of Washington ........ Seattle
........................Washington DC Seats in Congress
congressional districts (or seats) into which the land area
congressional districts (or seats) into which the land area
congressional districts (or seats) into which the land area has been divided
United States secret codes
VIET CONG ..... congressional apportionment
- Wikipedia, the free ...
Washington school shooting: Gunman targeted his cousins -
Jaylen Fryberg Targeted His Best Friends During Shooting at ...
Gunman targeted his cousins
Gun ...... target ............... sin --> sin wave function WAR ZONE
Gunman targeted his cousins
Gun ...... target ............... sin --> sin wave function WAR ZONE
Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
On August 5, 2012, a massacre took place at the gurdwara (Sikh temple) in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, where 40-year-old Wade Michael Page fatally shot six people ...
Incident · Victims · Perpetrator · Reactions
Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting
Gunman Kills 6 at Sikh Temple in Wisconsin
Gunman Kills 6 at Sin wave KHZ Temple
- The New York Times
The New York Times
Marysville Pilchuck High School shooting - Wikipedia, the free ...
The Marysville Pilchuck High School shooting occurred in Marysville, Washington, on October .... Nate Hatch, 14 (shot in cafeteria); Two unidentified victims (minor injuries) ... Nate Hatch, another cousin of Jaylen Fryberg, suffered a single gunshot wound to the jaw and was taken to Harborview Medical Center in Seattle for ...
Nate Hatch, 14 (shot in cafeteria)
N at e ..... 14 --> Nitrogen atom mass 14
nitrogen molecule --> sum of 2 nitrogen atoms -->
sum of nitrogen atom with 7 electrons and nitrogen atom 7 electrons giving 14 electrons for the nitrogen molecule.
Thus molecule code name --> Nate 14 age --> N at e 14 --> Nitrogen atoms with electrons 14 --> implies the EARTH atmosphere ..... Nitrogen military molecule used in the human LUNG.
The EARTH atmosphere ..... Nitrogen air battle in Nairobi, Kenya.
Westgate shopping mall ATMOSPHERE nitrogen ordered attack on EARTH surface - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
On Saturday 21 September 2013, unidentified gunmen attacked Westgate shopping mall, an upscale mall in Nairobi, Kenya. The attack resulted in at least 67 deaths, and more than 175 people were reportedly wounded in the mass shooting.
Nate Hatch, 14 (shot in cafeteria)
Nate Hatch, 14 (shot in cafeteria)
Nate Hatch, 14 (shot in cafeteria) receives DEATH SENTENCE from the Pentagon
N......H --> Nitrogen and Hydrogen amino acid molecule ......
receive the DEATH SENTENCE given to NH biochemistry military agent NH = Nidal Hasan
What Led Jaylen Fryberg To Commit the Deadliest High School ...
Sep 16, 2015 - And the families of those friends he killed were Jaylen's cousins and ... 2014, one day before the shooting at Marysville-Pilchuck High School, ...
Marysville Pilchuck High School shooting - Wikipedia, the free ...
The Marysville Pilchuck High School shooting occurred in Marysville, Washington, on October 24, 2014, when 15-year-old freshman student Jaylen Fryberg shot five other students at Marysville Pilchuck High School, .... Andrew Fryberg, a cousin of Jaylen Fryberg, was also taken to Providence Regional Medical Center, ...
Jaylen Fryberg's Cousin Andrew Fryberg Shot: Was A Girl The Motive ... Life
Oct 26, 2014 - Two of the victims of Jaylen Fryberg's rampage at Marysville-Pilchuck High School were his own cousins. Jaylen, 15, was reportedly angry with ...
Jaylen Fryberg's Cousin
The Tonight Show with Jay Leno | Late Night Comedy | NBC
The Jay Leno Show - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Jay Leno Show is an American talk show created by and starring Jay Leno. Premiering on ... The Jay Leno Show was also intended to provide NBC with an alternative to the high-cost scripted dramas aired ... Leno rejected several NBC offers for free network daytime slots, or cable TV slots, a series of recurring specials, ...
Late Night Comedy | NBC
Late Nitrogen base comedy ..,... DNA molecule is a piece of shit .....
the existence of DNA is a joke
The Pentagon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Pentagon -
Nucleic acid sequence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tangled Portrait of a Student Emerges in Washington Shooting
Oct 26, 2014 - Last Friday, a gunman came into Marysville-Pilchuck High School and shot six times. Killing tone and himself and putting four others into critical ...
Tangled Portrait of a Student Emerges in Washington Shooting
Oct 26, 2014 - Photo Nicole Nuval and Pon Nuth during a vigil that drew hundreds to the Grove Church in Marysville, Wash., on Friday for the victims...
in other words ..............
Tangled Portrait of a Student Emerges in Washington Shooting
Oct 26, 2014 - Last Friday, a gunman came into Marysville-Pilchuck High School and shot six times. Killing tone and himself and putting four others into critical ...
Tangled Portrait of a Student Emerges in Washington Shooting
Tang......Portrait of a Student Em Washington, DC ...
BIG MOUTH Shooting of very incomplete explanations of events
Tang......Portrait of a Student Em Washington, DC .
Tanzania Portrait of a Stud/ penis Embassy bombing in Africa
1998 United States embassy bombings ... Tanzania and other places
- Wikipedia, the free ...
1998 U.S. Embassies in Africa Bombings Fast Facts - 5, 2013 - 1998 U.S. Em (Electro-magnetic field war ) with Embassy bombings –
The blast on August 7, 1998 at the U.S. Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya, killed more than 200 people. ... 1998 U.S. Embassy bombings – A guard looks over the site of the bomb blast on August 8, 1998, in Nairobi, Kenya. ... August 7, 1998 - Almost simultaneously ...
Hertzian waves - definition of Hertzian waves by The Free Dictionary
Heinrich Hertz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fields: Physics; Electronic Engineering
Nationality: German
Hertzian wave WAR in Herzegovina and Bosnia | physics |
Encyclopædia Britannica
Introduction to M-theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In non-technical terms, M-theory presents an idea about the basic substance of the universe. ... The number of dimensions was later increased to 11 based on various interpretations of the 10-dimensional theory that led to five partial theories, ...
M-Theory : listing the 11 dimensions | Physics Forums - The Fusion ... › Physics › Beyond the Standard Model
Nov 20, 2008 - and was wondering if this is why there's 11 dimensions : 1. ... 11. M-Theory, which says that the 5 string theories are all correct and part of the ...
M-Theory : listing the 11 dimensions
2009 Fort Hood ... M-theory data generating ...... battle site
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fort Hood suspect's EM spectrum religion was an issue, atomic family of the periodic table says -
a 7-Eleven convenience store
a 7-Eleven convenience store
a 7-Eleven convenience store
a 7-11 convenience store ...................
Explaining the 11 dimensional Universe
VIA a 7-11 store DEMO of reality and existential physics
| Physics-Astronomy › ... › Missions › Physics › Quantum Mechanics › Videos
Is there a more fundamental theory?How many dimensions? are higher dimensional objects in string theory with dimensions from ... on a small 7-dimensional sphere, for example, leaving four spacetime dimensions ...
An owner of a 7-Eleven convenience store at Fort Hood said Nidal Hasan was dressed in cotton strings woven into an INFORMATION FABRIC ........
giving string theorists EMPIRICAL DATA about the actual existence of the
7-11 expression dimension on the EARTH geography surface with equation
7-11 = minus 4 = - 4 information pointer to
the 4-H Club of Wisconsin of farm/agriculture students and their
...... 4H Carbon .. methane molecule associations on the farm ....
animal smells that that are experienced
by the 4 DNA nucleotides of the teenager and the
............4 iron atoms in his Hemoglobin blood
An owner of a 7-Eleven convenience store at Fort Hood said Nidal Hasan was dressed in cotton strings .... and the RIGGED physics trial of Nidal hasan
An owner of a 7-Eleven convenience store at Fort Hood said Nidal Hasan was dressed in cotton strings .... and the RIGGED physics trial of Nidal hasan
Cosmology, GUTs, Strings, and the Pentagon, 978-3-8383-6337-0 ...
Jun 10, 2010 - (ii) We show that the Pentagon can be embedded into an SU(5) x SU(5) x SU(5) gauge ... (iii) We discuss embeddings into string theory, specically N = 1 ... Physics, astronomy · Cosmology, GUTs, Strings, and the Pentagon.
String Embeddings of the Pentagon - ResearchGate
We discuss embeddings of the Pentagon Model into string theory, specifically N=
Explicit evaluation of the pentagon diagram for open superstrings
by PH Frampton - 1986 - Cited by 26 - Related articles
Nuclear Physics B276 (1986) 599-616 North-Holland, Amsterdam EXPLICIT ... The open superstring theory has more than one diagram for each number of ...
by PH Frampton - 1986 - Cited by 26 - Related articles
Nuclear Physics B276 (1986) 599-616 North-Holland, Amsterdam EXPLICIT ... The open superstring theory has more than one diagram for each number of ...
String Embeddings of the puppet string ....... Pentagon › hep-tharXiv
by S Echols - 2010 - Related articlesMay 2, 2010 - High Energy Physics - Theory ... We discuss embeddings of the Pentagon Model into string theory, specifically N=1 supersymmetric type IIa ...
National Marionette Theatre INTELLECTUAL performances
– About Us
National Marionette Theatre INTELLECTUAL performances
– About Us
Puppet Showplace Theater
Puppet Showplace Theater is New England's favorite puppetry destination. Each year, we ... Beauty and the Beast by National Marionette Theater. FALL FAIRY ...
Wisconsin Teen Samuel Hengel Dies After
Marionette perfomance of
Marinette High School and its puppet citizen community
of social philosophy wimp thinkers
Nov 30, 2010 - The gunman, identified as Marinette High School sophomore Sam Hengel, was prounced dead by the county coroner this morning, Marinette ...
Motive of Samuel Hengel, 15, in school hostage seige remains ...
The Plain Dealer
Nov 30, 2010 - jeff-skorik-marinette-wisconsin-chief-113010.jpg View full sizeAssociated Press Marinette, Wisconsin police chief Jeff Skorik gives detail during ...
NH --> Nidal Hasan with the Forth Hood amino group of soldiers and the
SH molecule military command --> SHOOT the amino acids that talk bull-shit and believe the nonsense explanations and social science dribble of citizens and Washington DC.
BaghdaD IRAq ...algebra subset letter code
.............DIRA --> inofrmatiom pointer to Paul Dirac quantum physics at FSU in Tallahassee ...... Nature's systems project name: Allah and thought evolution
....................allah ...... the COMPUTER EARTH bio-computer subroutine of ideas
FSU's dated Kellum Hall coming down - Tallahassee Democrat
Tallahassee Democrat
Goodbye Kellum Hall | FSU Alumni Association
Florida State University
The Two Disasters at FSU | Alive Campus
Feb 16, 2015 - I lived in a dorm my freshman year at FSU, in what is known as the infamous Kellum Hall. As you can imagine, Kellum is located on the side of ...
Goodbye Kellum
Goodbye Kellum ..... PLOT to destroy atomic social science data
Umpqua Community College shooting - Wikipedia, the free ...
The Umpqua Community College shooting occurred on October 1, 2015, at the UCC campus near Roseburg, Oregon, United States. Chris Harper-Mercer, a 26-year-old enrolled at the school, fatally shot an assistant professor and eight students in a classroom. Seven to nine others were injured.
Einstein-Rosen bridge | The Young Astronomers
Jul 26, 2012 - Currently viewing the tag: "Einstein-Rosen bridge" ... As laid out in Albert Einstein's theory of Special Relativity, energy and mass are equivalent ...
Passing the Einstein-Rosen bridge › gr-qc
by MO Katanaev - 2013 - Cited by 3 - Related articles
Oct 28, 2013 - Test particles trajectories for Einstein--Rosen bridge are proved to be smooth in the physical sector, and particles can freely penetrate the ...
Wormhole (Einstein-Rosen Bridge ..
EARTH military APPLICATIONS at Roseburg Oregon )
with SYMBOL WORLD life form .....
atom/ molecule ALLAH from Tallahassee
and the K-shell anger of Kellum Hall used as bullet THINK-shells at Umqpua college-
Interstellar Wiki - Wikia
The Pentagon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Pentagon Tours
The Pentagon
United States Department of Defense of penis HEAD of thought
United States Department of Defense
The official web site for the Department of Defense and the starting point for finding U.S. military information online.
Saddam Hussein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti was the fifth President of Iraq, serving in this capacity from 16 July 1979 until 9 April 2003. A leading member of the ...
Saddam Hussein ..President of fertility/sperm of the Fertile Crescent region
Fertile Crescent - Ancient History Encyclopedia
Known as the Cradle of Civilization, the Fertile Crescent is regarded as the birthplace of agriculture, urbanization, writing, trade, science, history and organized ...
Fertile Crescent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cradle of civilization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to Mesopotamia - It is because of this that the fertile crescent region, and Mesopotamia in particular, are often referred to as the cradle of civilization.
Saddam Hussein - President of Babylon ... baby
with friend pregNancy .....
............................Nancy Reagan of California
Saddam Hussein - President of city water bag --> baghdad city
Saddam Hussein Hanging ...... by HUNG balls/ testicles of penis men STATE of MINd
Old gore classic video capturing execution of Iraqi president Saddam Hussein by hanging was never meant to exist. Saddam Hussein was executed on ...
How to Make Your Testicles Bigger, Heavier and Hang Down Lower
How to Make Your Testicles Bigger, Heavier and Hang Down Lower ... you may be facing. Follow these tips for proper testicle massage: big_balls ... Your sexual health benefits greatly from the amount of blood that flows into the penis. This is ...
How to Make Your Test Testicles Bigger, Heavier
at Washington, DC,
the Pentagon,
and string theorists balls of INTELLECTUAL courage .....
and Hang Down ....... Lower impress
pussy ./... --> systems engineering
attack on equation --> Saddam --> S + add + am --> System addition atomic mass .....
How to Make Your Testicles Bigger, Heavier and Hang Down Lower ... you may be facing. Follow these tips for proper testicle massage: big_balls ... Your sexual health benefits greatly from the amount of blood that flows into the penis. This is ...
attack on equation --> Saddam --> S + add + am --> System addition atomic mass .....
attack on equation --> Saddam --> S + add + am --> System addition atomic mass .....
attack on equation --> Saddam --> S + add + am --> System addition atomic mass ..... by Carmen Ortiz violations of carbon atomic mass in Massachusetts
Carmen Ortiz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Meet the U.S. Attorney | USAO-MA | Department of Justice
United States Department of Justice
District of atomic MASS social science --> Massachusetts
| USAO | Department of Justice
United States Department of Justice
Carmen M. Ortiz was nominated by President Barack Obama, as the United States Attorney for the District of Massachusetts and confirmed by the U.S. Senate in .
Carmen Ortiz
Edward Witten of the z-axis vertical humans of the Bond Witt Teller group Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Edward Witten is an American theoretical physicist and professor of mathematical physics at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey. Witten is ...
Bonwit Teller - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fifth Avenue Bonwit Teller: Opulence Lost - The New York Times
The New York Times
Bonwit Teller
Edward Teller informations bonds with Witten
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fort Hood suspect's religion was an issue, family says -
was dressed in the
Ottoman Empire molecule string language .........
Otto man
Cotton man a--> manuscript languages of cotton textile fabrics and their color and geometry language patterns used to manage human social behavior
White House (original Solar System) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
White House ( Solar System extension for EARTH LAB human specimens)
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue- Wikipedia, the free ...
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue-
.......0 Pen n-space command
The OPEN Statement - Micro Focus Infocenter
Missing: batch
OPEN statement - IBM
Missing: batch
Schopenhauer, Arthur
The world as will and idea : Schopenhauer, Arthur, 1788-1860 : Free ...
Internet Archive
Bonwit Teller - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Founded: 1895 New York, New York
Headquarters: New York, New York
Fate: Liquidated (1990)
Fifth Avenue Bonwit Teller: Opulence Lost - The New York Times
The New York Times
Oct 5, 2014 - The Bonwit Teller store is another lost landmark of the time when the 57th Street area was the home of suave and sophisticated shops instead ..
Bonwit Teller:
Bond edward Witten & Teller:
................................. ten ---> Ray Tensing ... data generating EVENT ....
Shooting of Samuel DuBose - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
On July 19, 2015, in Cincinnati, Ohio, Samuel DuBose, an unarmed black man, was fatally shot by Ray Tensing, a white University of Cincinnati police officer, ...
Charges: Murder, voluntary manslaughter
Date: July 19, 2015
Charges: Murder, voluntary manslaughter
Date: July 19, 2015
The Shooting of Samuel DuBose - The New York Times
The New York Times
University of Cincinnati, family of Sam DuBose reach settlement
University of Cincinnati, family of Sam DuBose
Bose–Einstein condensate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia–Einstein_condensate
Bonwit Teller - Department store and EARTH calculus
| Flickr Teller was a department store in New York City founded by Paul Bonwit in 1895 in partnership with Edmund D. Teller. Bonwit specialized in high-end ...
Bonwit Teller - Department
Bonwit Teller - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bonwit Teller Closing Beverly Hills Store - latimes › Collections › South Coast PlazaNov 13, 1986 - Bonwit Teller is closing its specialty clothing store in Beverly Hills ... Bonwit Teller Closing Beverly Hills Store ... Los Angeles Times Articles.
Bonwit Teller Closing Beverly Hills Store
Bonwit Teller Closing Beverly Hills Store of atomic expressions
Bon wit Teller Clo sing Bev Hills Store
Edward Witten - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Zwitterion TEST of Princeton University - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Zwitterion TEST of Princeton University -
Z witt er ion TEST of Princeton University - failure to acknowledge the existence of human agent Z living on the Oscar Witt farm in Wisconsin ...... acknowledgement failure by Princeton molecule life forms and agent Witten ...
of Nature's requirement of human society for social Zwitterion neutrality in the C.P. SNOW TWO CULTURES Science wars ..... that started in year 1959 and became formalized by Alan Sokal around year 1996.
Bonwit Teller - Department store | Flickr
Bonwit Teller was a department store in New York City founded by Paul Bonwit in 1895 in partnership with Edmund D. Teller. Bonwit specialized in high-end ...
Bonwit Teller was a department store in New York City founded by Paul Bonwit in 1895 in partnership with Edmund D. Teller. Bonwit specialized in high-end ...
in partnership with Edmund D. Teller.
in partnership with Edmund D. Teller.
in partnership with Edward Teller and Edmund Scientific .
Edward Teller - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Doctoral advisor: Werner Heisenberg
Known for: Jahn–Teller effect; Ashkin–Teller m...
Doctoral students: Chen Ning Yang; Lincoln W...
Nationality: Hungarian-American
Edmund Scientific Corporation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bonwit Teller - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Founded: 1895 New York, New York
Headquarters: New York, New York
Fate: Liquidated (1990)
Bonwit Teller
William Tell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
William Tell - Switzerland's History
He knows that here, many hundreds of years ago—in a.d. 1307, according to the statue’s inscription— Tell, a local farmer and famous hunter, came striding with his son through the market square of Altdorf, then as now the only town of any size in the canton of Uri.
In the center of the town square those many years ago, bailiff Gessler, agent of the Hapsburg duke of Austria, placed a Hapsburg hat on a pole and, to the blare of trumpets, announced that all passersby must uncover their heads before it. But William Tell of Uri kept his hat on his head. He was promptly dragged before Gessler, who ordered an apple placed on the head of Tell’s son and told the farmer that if he failed to shoot it off with a single arrow at a distance of 120 paces, both he and the boy would be put to death.
Tell paced off the distance, loaded and aimed his crossbow, shot his arrow, and the apple fell. “Your life is now safe,” Gessler said to him, “but kindly tell me why I saw you putting a second arrow inside your jacket?”
In the center of the town square those many years ago, bailiff Gessler, agent of the Hapsburg duke of Austria, placed a Hapsburg hat on a pole and, to the blare of trumpets, announced that all passersby must uncover their heads before it. But William Tell of Uri kept his hat on his head. He was promptly dragged before Gessler, who ordered an apple placed on the head of Tell’s son and told the farmer that if he failed to shoot it off with a single arrow at a distance of 120 paces, both he and the boy would be put to death.
Tell paced off the distance, loaded and aimed his crossbow, shot his arrow, and the apple fell. “Your life is now safe,” Gessler said to him, “but kindly tell me why I saw you putting a second arrow inside your jacket?”
Bonwit Teller information strings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bonwit Teller & Co. was a department store in New York City founded by Paul Bonwit in 1895 at Sixth Avenue and 18th Street. In 1897 Edmund D. Teller was ...
Founded: 1895 New York, New York
Headquarters: New York, New York
Fate: Liquidated (1990)
Center City and Jenkintown stores, ...
Center City and Jenkintown stores, ...
Central Nervous System and Jenkin (knowledge) (optical) town stores ...
- Online spectral analysis and its applications jenkins, spectral analysis and its applications jenkins PDF, Download spectral analysis and its applications jenkins
Spectral Analysis and Its Applications book by Gwilym ...
Spectral Analysis and Its Applications by Gwilym Jenkins, Donald Watts starting at $19.43. Spectral Analysis and Its Applications has 2 available editions to buy at ...
starting at $19.43. Spectral Analysis
starting at $19.43. Spectral Analysis
starting at $19.43 .. a year 1943 person ......
that looked at the Spectral Analysis book as an adult (that is ..myself)
that looked at the Spectral Analysis book as an adult (that is ..myself)

Probability - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Probability is quantified as a number between 0 and 1 (where 0 ... the probability is 1/2 (or 50% ... and that certain assignable limits define the range of ...How to Solve Probability Problems at fermiLAB - Statistics and Probability
How to Solve Probability Problems. ...
The probability of any sample point can range from 0 to 1
- The probability of any sample point can range from 0 to 1
- The probability of any sample point can range from O to one
- The probability of any sample point can range from O dd one
- The probability of any sample point can range from ......done project DONE?
- 0 to 1
- ....

Sergeant Guzman's War - The New York Times
The New York Times
By JENNI FERRous oxide iron atom MASS 56 .... CIA agent report
on atomic number 26 agent ....Sergeant Guzman, 26, is station commander
Heme - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hemoglobin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
INTERNAL blood Heme output messages become
EXTERNAL word THemes / articles / essays .....
By JENNI FERRous oxide iron atom MASS 56 .... CIA agent report
on atomic number 26 agent ....Sergeant Guzman, 26, is station commander
..................INFer.. IRON MASK CIA secret agent
Andrew Carnegie - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Andrew Carnegie was a Scottish American industrialist who led the enormous expansion of the ... Andrew Carnegie was born in Dunfermline, Scotland, in a typical weaver's cottage with only one main room, consisting of half the ground floor ...
By JENNI FERRous oxide iron atom MASS 56 .... CIA agent report
on atomic number 26 agent ....Sergeant Guzman, 26, is station commander
..................INFer.. IRON MASK CIA secret agent
Andrew Carnegie - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
was born in Dunfermline, Scotland, in a typical weaver's cottage
was born in Dunfermline, Scotland, in a typical weaver's cottage
was born in .......fer m line --> Ferrous oxide IRON metal & lines of magnetic field to
weave Nature's INFORMATION FABRIC ... .....Mother Earth's weavers cottage with code --> Cot Tage --> Cotangent links
weave Nature's INFORMATION FABRIC ... .....Mother Earth's weavers cottage with code --> Cot Tage --> Cotangent links
Cotangent -- from Wolfram MathWorld › ... › Trigonometric Functions
by EW Weisstein - 2002 - Cited by 1 - Related articles
Note that the cotangent is not in as widespread use in Europe as are sinz , cosz , and tanz , although it does appear explicitly in various German and Russian ...
Sergeant Guzman's War - The New York Times
The New York Times
Oct 30, 2005 - Sergeant Guzman, 26, is station commander of the Army recruiting unit in the ... Each photo listed the recruit's name, age, high school or college from .... During one of her frequent visits to the Harlem recruiting station, she ...
Sergeant Guzman's War - The New York Times
The New York Times
Oct 30, 2005 - Sergeant Guzman, 26, is station commander of the Army recruiting unit in the ... Each photo listed the recruit's name, age, high school or college from .... During one of her frequent visits to the Harlem recruiting station, she ...
Bernie Sanders: The Political Revolution Continues
In order for the work that we have begun to be long-lasting, we must continue our political revolution. And we need you to be a part of it.
Bernie Sanders for President | Contribute to Bernie Sanders
The official campaign website for the presidential campaign of United States Senator Bernie Sanders.
....... in other words
Bernie Sanders: The EARTH Revolution on its axis every 24 hours ... ontinues
In order for the work that we have begun to be long-lasting, we must continue our political revolution. And we need you to be a part of it.
Ber nie S an ders for P resident (Planet resident) | Contribute to
Ber nietzsche Skin and dermatology zystems
The official campaign website for the presidential campaign of United States Senator Bernie Sanders.
Then she scurried across East 116th Street, another battle lost in the war for New York's youth. But no matter. As far as Sergeant Guzman was concerned, the neighborhood remained ripe with possibilities. "Everybody's thought about the military," he said later as his dark eyes scanned the neighborhood's pedestrian-clogged streets. "I mean, look at all the people here."
Sergeant Guzman, 26, is station commander of the Army recruiting unit in the Armed Forces Career Center, known informally as the Harlem Knights recruiting center, on 125th Street and Lenox Avenue. A product of a hardscrabble upbringing in Richmond Hill, Queens, he joined the Army after high school largely to straighten himself out. Today, he presides over a warren of rooms across the street from Bill Clinton's office that is one of the more powerful of the engines that keep an increasingly unpopular war up and running.
With a monthly average of five recruits, the Harlem Knights center, which serves both Harlem and East Harlem, is ranked in the top three in its battalion, which includes much of the New York metropolitan region. Since his arrival 10 months ago, Sergeant Guzman has signed up 12 people.
East 116th Street, another battle
East 116th Street, another battle
East 116th Street, another battle
E ast -- > astronomy/astrophysics WAR for control of the EAST Coast ,,, the earthly space/time region with Eastern Standard Time and the new dimensions of existential physics expression ....
with base 16 HEX ..... at 116 street
with base 16 HEX ..... at 116 street
Newt Gingrich - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Newton Leroy "Newt" Gingrich
( born Newton Leroy McPherson; June 17, 1943)
is an American gravity field LIFE .....political consultant, politician, businessman, historian, writer and Republican leader.
He represented Georgia's carbon atomic number 6 .... 6th congressional district as a Republican from 1979 until his resignation in 1999, and served as the 50th Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives from 1995 to 1999.
In 2012, Gingrich was a candidate for the Republican Party presidential nomination.
( born Newton Leroy McPherson; June 17, 1943)
is an American gravity field LIFE .....political consultant, politician, businessman, historian, writer and Republican leader.
He represented Georgia's carbon atomic number 6 .... 6th congressional district as a Republican from 1979 until his resignation in 1999, and served as the 50th Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives from 1995 to 1999.
In 2012, Gingrich was a candidate for the Republican Party presidential nomination.
Mikhail Gorbachev - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev is a former Soviet statesman. He was the eighth and last leader of the Soviet Union, having been General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1985 until 1991, when the party was dissolved
Mikhail Gorbachev: Putin Is an Obstacle to Progress | TIME
Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev - Government Official, President (non ...
Jan 23, 2016 - Mikhail Gorbachev was the first president of the Soviet Union, serving from 1990 to 1991. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace for his ...
Georgia Tech
Georgia Institute of Technology
Georgia Tech is one of the oldest and most respected polytechnical universities in the United States.
Georgia Tech
Georgia Tesla echo ...... echo signature .....
communications PROBLEM ...... failure to communicate violations
Nikola Tesla's Earthquake Machine - The Excluded Middle
Franz Kafka - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Franz Kafka - Author -
Author Franz Kafka explored the human struggle for understanding and security in his novels such as Amerika, The Trial and The Castle. ... Born on July 3, 1883, in Prague, capital of what is now the Czech Republic, writer Franz Kafka grew up in an upper middle-class Jewish family.
Franz Kafka
Oklahoma City bombing - Facts & Summary -
On April 19, 1995,
On April 19, 1995,
On April 19, 19 ..the BOOK 19 19 instructions
.........................................OK --> Oklahoma
.........................................OK --> Oklahoma
..............................the BOOK war zone ....
....................................BOO ,,,,,, scare / boo/ blast / bomb blast goes BOO with
....................................BOO ,,,,,, scare / boo/ blast / bomb blast goes BOO with
the SYMBOL WORLD book military alliance ....
the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building
the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building
the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building of BULL-STORY explanations .... causing
the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building of BULL-STORY explanations .... causing
the Alfred P. M ..... brain MATH LOGIC military defense systems ..... ordered attack
Principia Mathematica (PM) ........(Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
May 21, 1996 - Principia Mathematica, the landmark work in formal logic written by Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell, was first published in three ...
Paul Morphy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Paul Charles Morphy (June 22, 1837 – July 10, 1884) was an American chess player. He is considered to have been the greatest chess master of his era and an unofficial World Chess Champion.[1] He was a chess prodigy. He was called "The Pride and Sorrow of Chess" because he had a brief and brilliant chess career, but retired from the game while still young.[2] Bobby Fischer included him in his list of the ten greatest players of all time, and described him as "perhaps the most accurate player who ever lived".[3]
Morphy was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, to a wealthy and distinguished family. He learned to play chess by simply watching games between his father and uncle. His family soon recognised the boy's talent and encouraged him to play at family gatherings, and by the age of nine he was considered to be one of the best players in New Orleans. At just twelve years of age, Morphy defeated visiting Hungarian master Johann Löwenthal in a match of three games.
Morphy was born in New Orleans,
Morphy was born in New Orleans,
Morphy was born in Isaac Newtons NEW project region of New Orl e--> New Orbitals --> New Orleans earth .... probably gravity field LIFE and social LANGUAGE.
After receiving his degree in 1857, Morphy was not yet of legal age to practice law, and found himself with free time. He received an invitation to play at the First American Chess Congress in New York City, and, at his uncle's urging, accepted. Morphy won the tournament, which included strong players of the day, such as Alexander Meek and Louis Paulsen. Morphy was hailed as the chess champion of the United States and stayed in New York playing chess through 1857, winning the vast majority of his games.
After receiving his degree in 1857, Morphy
After receiving his degree in 1857, Mophy
After receiving his degree in 1857, Mo or phy --> molecule orbital physics expression agent
After receiving his degree in 1857,
After receiving his degree in 1857,
After receiving his degree in 18 atomic columns of the periodic table with Iron-57 isotope,
In 1858, Morphy traveled to Europe to play European Champion Howard Staunton. Morphy played every strong player in Europe, usually winning easily. The match with Staunton never took place, but Morphy was hailed by most in Europe as the world's best player.
Morphy was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, to a wealthy and distinguished family. He learned to play chess by simply watching games between his father and uncle. His family soon recognised the boy's talent and encouraged him to play at family gatherings, and by the age of nine he was considered to be one of the best players in New Orleans. At just twelve years of age, Morphy defeated visiting Hungarian master Johann Löwenthal in a match of three games.
Morphy was born in New Orleans,
Morphy was born in New Orleans,
Morphy was born in Isaac Newtons NEW project region of New Orl e--> New Orbitals --> New Orleans earth .... probably gravity field LIFE and social LANGUAGE.
After receiving his degree in 1857, Morphy was not yet of legal age to practice law, and found himself with free time. He received an invitation to play at the First American Chess Congress in New York City, and, at his uncle's urging, accepted. Morphy won the tournament, which included strong players of the day, such as Alexander Meek and Louis Paulsen. Morphy was hailed as the chess champion of the United States and stayed in New York playing chess through 1857, winning the vast majority of his games.
After receiving his degree in 1857, Morphy
After receiving his degree in 1857, Mophy
After receiving his degree in 1857, Mo or phy --> molecule orbital physics expression agent
After receiving his degree in 1857,
After receiving his degree in 1857,
After receiving his degree in 18 atomic columns of the periodic table with Iron-57 isotope,
In 1858, Morphy traveled to Europe to play European Champion Howard Staunton. Morphy played every strong player in Europe, usually winning easily. The match with Staunton never took place, but Morphy was hailed by most in Europe as the world's best player.
In 1858, Morphy traveled to Europe
In 1858, Morphy traveled to Europe
In 1858.... IRON-58 isotope Morphy traveled across the water molecule of mass 18 (ocean) to Europe ......... the string theory section of
.... rope theory ...via his single-threading task
.... rope theory ...via his single-threading task
Multithreading: Reentrant, quasi-reentrant and threadsafe ... - IBM
At just twelve years of age, Morphy defeated visiting Hungarian master Johann Löwenthal in a match of three games.
At just twelve years of age
Atom carbon 12 ..... twelve years of age of agent C = carbon --> C = Charles middle name
Morphy was not yet of legal age
Morphy was not yet of le gal age
the metabolism of Morphy was not yet of galapagos age
the metabolism of Morphy was not yet of galapagos age
.....meta,,,,,Morphy of galapagos age
....meta,,,,,Morphy of galapagos age
....meta,,,,,Morphy physics of galapagos age
The Metamorphosis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Metamorphosis -
The Metamorph OS = Origin of Species with IBM OS/JCL
............................ IS = Information Systems .........
thus the GalapagOS ISlands and Peru .....
.............................OS IS ........................
and the Metamorph OS IS of the Oddone
Kafka's Metamorphosis: 100 thoughts for 100 years | Books | The ... › Arts › Books › Franz Kafka
Jul 18, 2015 - What need a modern reader know of Franz Kafka's Metamorphosis (Die Verwandlung) – arguably the most famous, also greatest, short story in ...
The Guardian
What need a modern reader know of Franz Kafka's Metamorphosis
What need a modern reader know of Franz Kafka's Metamorphosis
What need a modern reader know of Franz Kafka's Metamorphosis of Pier Oddone and FermiLAB
The Metamorphosis: Franz Kafka: 9781557427663: Books, Inc.
Editorial Reviews. About the Author. Franz Kafka was born to Jewish parents in Bohemia in ... This item:The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka Paperback $3.99.
The Metamorphosis:
The Metamorphosis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Open Culture
Oct 21, 2015 - If you've read Franz Kafka's The Metamorphosis in English, it's likely that your translation referred to the transformed Gregor Samsa as a “cockroach,” “beetle,” or, more generally, a “gigantic insect.” ... It suggests many types of vermin—insects, yes, but also rodents.
referred to the transformed Gregor Samsa as a “cockroach,” “beetle, or BUG ”
IBM II08841: DFSORT REL 12.0 & 13.0 - OEM BUGS, COMMON ...
OEM BUGS in human brain bio-computer
Jim Garrison - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jim Garrison, 70, Theorist on Kennedy Death, Dies - The New York ...
The New York Times
Oct 22, 1992 - Published: October 22, 1992. Jim Garrison, who as District Attorney in New Orleans made startling assertions of a widespread conspiracy and cover-up in President John F. Kennedy's assassination, died yesterday at his home in New Orleans. He was 70 years old.
New Orleans/Garrison JFK Assassination Investigation
The Kennedy Assassination
Garrison Investigation - Mary Ferrell Foundation
In late 1966, New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison quietly opened an investigation into certain New Orleans-based aspects of the Kennedy assassination.
In late 1966,
In late 1966,
In late ... 66 --> Gravity field agent G --> Garrison --> G array
Mary Ferrell Foundation
Mary Ferrell Foundation
Mary Ferr --> ferrous oxide IRON atoms and the EARTH magnetic field FABRIC
Mary Ferrell Foundation
Mary Ferrell Foundation
Garrison got a tip alleging that Ferrie
Garrison got a tip alleging that Ferrie
Its central character was David W. Ferrie, an ex-airline pilot and self-styled soldier of fortune, who was bizarre even by the relaxed standards of the French Quarter.
He had orange pieces of fur glued to his head, having lost all his body hair from the disease alopecia, making him unforgettable in appearance. He professed to be a bishop in a quasi-political cult called the Orthodox Old Catholic Church of North America and worked on and off as a free-lance pilot, a pornography trafficker, a hypnotist and gas station operator.
By the summer of 1963, when Oswald was living in New Orleans, he had also became involved in training anti-Castro guerrillas.
He had orange pieces of fur glued to his head, having lost all his body hair from the disease alopecia, making him unforgettable in appearance. He professed to be a bishop in a quasi-political cult called the Orthodox Old Catholic Church of North America and worked on and off as a free-lance pilot, a pornography trafficker, a hypnotist and gas station operator.
By the summer of 1963, when Oswald was living in New Orleans, he had also became involved in training anti-Castro guerrillas.
The day after the assassination, Garrison got a tip alleging that Ferrie had trained Oswald in marksmanship and detained Ferrie for questioning.
Garrison got a tip alleging that Ferrie
Garrison got a tip alleging that Ferrous oxide IRON atom interaction with the EARTH magnetic field and the EARTH gravity field .... ,
Pier Oddone to retire as odd integer Fermilab director | UChicago News
University of Chicago
Aug 2, 2012 - 2 that Fermilab Director Pier Oddone has decided to retire after eight years at the helm of America's leading particle physics laboratory. Oddone ...
Heinz 57 ...... for IRON-57 and Pier Oddone integers 5 , 7 and atomic orbitasl 5 , 7
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Heinz 57 is a shortened form of a historical advertising slogan "57 Varieties" by the H. J. Heinz Company located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States.
Samuel Beckett - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Samuel Beckett - Writer -
Jun 1, 2015 - 20th century Irish novelist, playwright and poet Samuel Beckett penned the play Waiting for Godot. ... Samuel Beckett was born on April 13, 1906, in Dublin, Ireland. ... He wrote a trilogy of novels in the 1950s as well as famous plays like Waiting for Godot.
Samuel Beckett (Author of Waiting for Godot) - Goodreads
Samuel Barclay Beckett was an Irish avant-garde novelist, playwright, theatre director, and poet, who lived in France for most of his adult life. He wrote in both ...
Samuel Beckett (Author of Waiting for Godot) - Goodreads
....................Kettle Moraine ( Waiting for Kathryn Stalbaum)
Police release new details in disappearance of Kathryn Stalbaum
Kathryn Stalbaum Update: Missing Wis. girl, 15, found safe in Chicago ...
CBS News
Police release info on teen's 4-day disappearance, not why she left
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Bicycle of missing 15-year-old girl located after citizen tip | FOX6Now ...
Kathryn Stalbaum, a freshman at Kettle Moraine High School, was last seen
Kathryn Stalbaum, a freshman at Kettle Moraine High School, was last seen
K at --> K atom of Potassium ...... LINK to Moraine High School, was last seen VIA the Moraine (Mo rain e --> Molecular brain earth) with Jeffrey Fowle trip to K = Potassium message site of
of North Korea
Jeffrey Fowle, American Detained in North Korea, Was on Vacation ...
North Korea unexpectedly frees American Jeffrey Fowle | Reuters
Fowle released by North Korea - The City of Moraine
Who Is Jeffrey Fowle age 56 with IRON-56 trip to CITY of IRON?
American Tourist Released By North Korea Business Times
Oct 21, 2014 - Jeffrey Fowle was released by North Korean authorities just prior to plans for ... Chongjin is known as the “City of Iron” and is one of the more ...
Fowle(Information FLOW) released by North Korea (Chongjin CITY of iron)
- The City of Moraine, Ohio and
the Kettle MORAINE agent Kathyrn Stalbaum for the CITY of Waukesha (IRON FOUNDRY) 21, 2014 - The City of Moraine is delighted to have received the news that Jeffrey Fowle was released by North Korea and is in route home. Moraine City ...
Waukesha Foundry - Waukesha Metals 88
Waukesha Metal 88. Waukesha Foundry has developed a line of corrosion- resistant, nickel- and copper-base alloys that work in contact with stainless steel, ...
IRON Foundries in Waukesha parallel with LINKS to Chongjin IRON
, Wisconsin with Reviews & Ratings - › Waukesha, WI
Samuel Beckett - Writer -
Samuel Beckett -
Samuel Bose ...duplicate -->
Samuel DuBose
Shooting of Samuel DuBose - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S
Charges: Murder, voluntary manslaughter
Date: July 19, 2015
University of Cincinnati, family of Sam DuBose reach settlement
Below. address locations of letter codes
Notice, the tables do not have even integers ...2, 4, 6 shell numbers
......................................1 3 5.
Thus orbitals 1,3 ,5 --> implies symbols ...... ace --> alternating cycle electrons
Hells Angels - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Hells Angels Motorcycle Club (HAMC) is a worldwide one-percenter motorcycle club ..... The Beatles' George Harrison invited some members of the HAMC San Francisco to stay at Apple Records in London in 1968. According to Chris ...
Leader title: National President
Key people: Sonny Barger
Founded: March 17, 1948
Abbreviation: HA, 81, HAMC
8 Big Reasons the 1969 Altamont Festival was a Tragic Disaster ...
Hells Angels | The Selvedge Yard
The sum over all possibilities: The path integral formulation of ... › Spotlights on relativity
Einstein Online
[PDF]Path Integrals in Quantum Mechanics - MIT
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
by DV Perepelitsa - Cited by 1 - Related articles
We present the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics and demon- ... Feynman's insight was this - the total transition probability amplitude can be.
Path Integral of a
Fe =Ferous oxide IRON motor vehicle with 4-wheels driven by
Fe = agent Fe = Feynman with his bio-math LINK to the iron automobile via the magnetic field FLOW line interface
221A Lecture Notes. Path Integral. 1 Feynman's Path Integral Formulation. Feynman's formulation of quantum mechanics using the so-called path inte-.
Hells Angels - The 10 Most Dangerous Biker Gangs in America ...
Hells Angels
Hells Ang els --> angstrom elements
Ångström - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaÅngström
The Two Cultures - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Snow's position can be summed up by an often-repeated part of the essay:
A good many times I have been present at gatherings of people who, by the standards of the traditional culture, are thought highly educated and who have with considerable gusto been expressing their incredulity at the illiteracy of scientists. Once or twice I have been provoked and have asked the company how many of them could describe the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The response was cold: it was also negative. Yet I was asking something which is the scientific equivalent of: Have you read a work of Shakespeare’s?[5]
I now believe that if I had asked an even simpler question — such as, What do you mean by mass, or acceleration, which is the scientific equivalent of saying, Can you read? — not more than one in ten of the highly educated would have felt that I was speaking the same language. So the great edifice of modern physics goes up, and the majority of the cleverest people in the western world have about as much insight into it as their neolithic ancestors would have had.[5]
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